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Madoka Chiba

Photo by Shu Nakamura / Provided by YUI-PORT 撮影:中村脩/提供:新潟市芸術創造村・国際青少年センター(ゆいぽーと)

If the Sun Vanished

Video 15:10
Made by Artist in Residence at Yui-Port in Niigata with citizens
Individual Version

If the Sun Vanished is a video piece with subtitles added to the audio and was created in collaboration with seven citizens of Niigata City at the time I was staying at the YUI-PORT artist-in-residence facility.

Even if the sun was to disappear at this moment, the light it emitted just before it disappeared would travel through space towards the earth. Based on the distance between the two and the speed of light, it was calculated that sunlight would reach the Earth in 8 minutes and 19 seconds. Assuming that the press had reported the sun's disappearance immediately after it happened, the participants answered the artist's question: "What would you do in those 8 minutes and 19 seconds?" They would also experience the length of 8 minutes and 19 seconds before the recording.

The piece is set in the context of survival and encourages participants and viewers to anticipate and prepare for various events by deliberately throwing unexpected events their way ("unexpected events" referring to the novel coronavirus that has changed society enough to create a "new normal"). The subtitles also pick up on every seemingly meaningless interjection, and because they stay true to the speed at which the participants speak, you can guess their personalities even when you can't hear their voices. Interestingly, many of the participants talk about what is important to them in response to this question, suggesting that mental support is also essential for survival.
This work was created on site during artist-in-residence in Niigata City in July 2020.

Many thanks and respects to the participants.


ビデオ 15:10




